The Most Important Things to Know Before You File You've been struggling to meet your financial obligations for some time and it doesn't look like things will be getting much better anytime soon. A personal bankruptcy filing may be what you need to get a fresh start. But you've never done this before. You want to know a few things first. What Are … [Read more...]
How to Get the Most Out of a Bankruptcy Filing
Steps You Should Take to Get the Full Benefits of a Personal Bankruptcy Petition You can’t meet your financial obligations because you’ve been sick or injured or you’ve lost your job. You know things will eventually get better, but the foreseeable future looks bleak. That’s why the bankruptcy laws are in place—to help you get a fresh start when … [Read more...]
The Tax Benefits of Filing a Bankruptcy Petition
The Tax Advantages of Bankruptcy Over Debt Forgiveness You've lost your job or had to take a new one with less pay because of the pandemic. You've suffered an unexpected and uninsured illness or injury that's left you in dire financial straits. You've considered filing for protection under the bankruptcy laws, but you've convinced yourself that … [Read more...]
Can You Keep a Tax Refund When You File for Chapter 7?
Will You Have to Relinquish a Tax Refund to Get the Protection of the Bankruptcy Laws? You're struggling to meet your financial obligations, whether due to the loss of a job, a divorce or an unexpected illness or injury. You can't see a way out other than through a personal bankruptcy filing. There's just one glitch…you have a pretty substantial … [Read more...]
Things You Don’t Want to Do Before Filing for Bankruptcy
Actions that Could Jeopardize Your Right to Protection in Bankruptcy You've run into some financial challenges—maybe your job was affected by COVID or you've racked up significant medical bills due to an injury or illness. You've tried to remedy the situation, but you can see no way forward other than through a personal bankruptcy filing. Don't be … [Read more...]
Avoiding Preference Actions in Bankruptcy
The Potential Consequences of Selectively Paying Off Creditors before Bankruptcy If you're struggling to make ends meet—you've lost your job because of the pandemic, you've racked up medical bills because of an injury or illness, or you've lost just about everything in a divorce—you may have decided that your best way forward is with a personal … [Read more...]
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy—The Basics
What Will It Accomplish for You? What Are the Limitations? If you're facing financial challenges, whether you've lost your job in the pandemic, suffered an unexpected injury or illness, or gone through a costly divorce, you may be considering a personal bankruptcy filing to help you get a fresh start. That's what the laws are there for. One of … [Read more...]
How to Know if You Need to File for Bankruptcy Protection
The Telltale Warning Signs Most of us struggle with finances at some point in our lives. We may have an unexpected illness that makes it difficult or impossible to work, or leads to significant unreimbursed medical expenses. We may go through a divorce or lose a job, or we may simply miscalculate our income and expenses. When is the situation such … [Read more...]