If you live in or around Rockwall, Texas, and you are struggling to make ends meet, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing can get you the fresh financial start you need. Not only will a bankruptcy filing put an immediate end to the harassing phone calls, letters and other efforts by creditors and bill collectors, but it can give you the time you need to … [Read more...]
When you are struggling to meet your financial obligations, and have fallen behind on your mortgage, you may have questions about whether or not a bankruptcy filing can help you keep your home. This blog post takes a look at how the bankruptcy laws affect home mortgages, and whether a Chapter 13 reorganization can be an effective tool when you face … [Read more...]
Separating Bankruptcy Truth from Myth in Texas Bankruptcy is a complex process that is difficult to fully understand until you have gone through it. Many individuals, therefore, fear the unexpected loss of property when contemplating chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. A common question I get from clients new to the bankruptcy process ask “will my … [Read more...]
10 Years of Bankruptcy Law Legal Experience in Texas If you live in Lavon, Rockwall or Wylie or in another city in the northeast Dallas area and have questions regarding bankruptcy, consider contacting the Law Offices of Carrie L. Wier. I am Carrie L. Wier and I have assisted clients in the Lavon and Rockwall area for more than 10 years. When you … [Read more...]
Bankruptcy Law Legal Information and Representation in Rockwall, Texas Are you considering declaring bankruptcy? Often, individuals going through chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy fear losing valuable assets during bankruptcy, and choose to attempt to protect those assets by hiding them from the bankruptcy courts. I advise against hiding … [Read more...]
Helping You Understand the Bankruptcy Process in Texas Feelings of shame and embarrassment often accompany thoughts of bankruptcy. It is therefore common for individuals contemplating bankruptcy to wonder whether their bankruptcy will become common knowledge in their community. Any bankruptcy is part of the public record. It is therefore … [Read more...]
A common misconception is that a bankruptcy wipes out all of your debt. However, although a bankruptcy can forgive many of your debts, it does not forgive all of them. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the non-exempt property and assets of the debtor are liquidated to pay off creditors. Property and assets that the court categorizes as exempt are not … [Read more...]
Unfortunately, foreclosures are at all time highs and many people lose sleep at night worrying about the future of their homes. Going through a foreclosure can be humiliating, stressful and represent a serious loss for your family. However, there are certain things that your Texas foreclosure attorney can help you to do to avoid foreclosure: • … [Read more...]
In a consumer bankruptcy filing, whether a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, one of the first things that happens is a creditors meeting. Often referred to as the 341 meeting, this is when you and the bankruptcy trustee meet with your creditors. Generally, the 341 meeting occurs three to six weeks after your initial filing. The meeting is usually … [Read more...]